Monday, January 21, 2008

Gone green - Non toxic, environment friendly traps

Catchmaster believes in and supports non-toxic and cruelty-free pest control. The poison comes back to us, and the suffering we cause does as well. If we use harmful chemicals to attack bugs, only the strong survive. They breed, and then we've got a smarter "enemy" with which to contend. Catchmaster products however, unless stated different, are environmentally friendly which is great for schools, restaurants and food packing plants.
Less pesticides is used while maintaining an effective rodent management program. This is ideal for use in areas with children and pets where low toxicity is an issue.
Live humane traps are even more green and they are humane .
Green is the way to go, to help our environment for the next generation. But they have to be effective and Catchmaster’s mouse boards are the gold standard in non toxic green adhesive technology. Try them and you will see.